Celebrate LGBTQ pride with monoGAYmous
By Argelis V. Wesley
LGBTQ pride is celebrated in the United States every year in the month of June. It started as a way to protest unequal treatment received by the LGBTQ community in a bar of New York in 1969. Through time, there have been significant achievements in favor of the LGBTQ community such as gay marriage, equal rights, and now we can see that the film industry is telling stories about relationships of individuals of the same sex, and the life of transgenic characters.
Because of that, we are pleased to announce there were three selected LGBTQ films that screened in our festival last year. One of these films is monoGAYmous written, produced, directed and starred by the talented Rafael Torres.
MonoGAYmous is an excellent web series that explores the life of Ruben; a domestic gay man new to LA and his hot mess friend, Amanda. With her help he tries to rediscover who he was before becoming, well, monoGAYmous.
Enjoy each monoGAYmous webisode in June, available in our website: https://www.latinofilmmarket.org/films/
Photo credit: Rafael Torres
“I am so honored that my project is an official selection of the Latino Film Market 2017. It is truly an honor and I’m still over the moon about it”